Sailor Name: Sailor Mercury, Super Sailor Mercury

Human Name: Amy Mizuno

Japanese Name: Mizuno Amy

English Dub: Amy Anderson

Height: 5'2" (approximately)

Element: water

Age (at beginning of show): 14

Age (at end of show): 16

Birthday: September 10th

Astrological sign: Virgo

Blood Type: A

Gemstone: sapphire

Favorite Color: aquamarine, blue

Favorite Food: sandwiches

Least Favorite Food: yellow-tail tuna

Favorite Subject: Math

Worst Subject: none

Favorite Pastimes: reading, playing chess, studying, swimming

Favorite Animal: cats

Has Trouble With: love letters, practical jokes

Strong Points: calculating

Partners: Sailor Mars

Clubs: Computer Club

Dream: to become a doctor IQ: supposedly 300 (in the manga)




Mercury Power --- Mercury Power Make-Up
Mercury Star Power --- Mercury Star Power Make-Up
Mercury Crystal Power --- Mercury Crystal Power Make-Up



Mercury Bubbles Blast --- Bubble Spray
Mercury Ice Bubbles Freeze --- Bubble Spray Freezing
Shine Aqua Illusion --- Double Bubble Spray Freezing
Mercury Aqua Mirage --- Aqua Rhapsody


Different Identities:
Ami Mizuro
Sailor Mercury
Super Sailor Mercury

Magical Items:
Senshi Pen
Mini Computer