Japanese: Tsukino Usagi (literally: Rabbit on the Moon). All her friends call her Usagi-chan. Rei and her brother Shingo call her baka Usagi a lot, which is literally "stupid Usagi" (although in Japan baka is sometimes considered a sign of affection)

English Dub: Serena Tsukino, nickname Bunny in the comic and nicknamed (in the dubbed) meatball head

Height: 4'11", 150 cm

Age (at beginning of show): 14

Age (at end of show): 16

Birthday: June 30

Astrological sign: Cancer

Blood Type: O

Gemstone: diamond

Favorite Color: white and pink

Favorite Food: ice cream, peanut butter and jelly

Least Favorite Food: carrots

Favorite Subject: Home Economics, Music

Worst Subject: Math, English

Least Favorite Food: carrots

Favorite Subject: Home Economics, Music

Worst Subject: Math, English

Favorite Pastimes: playing video games, shopping, and eating

Favorite Animal: bunny rabbit

Has Trouble With: dentists, ghosts

Strong Points: whining, crying

Partners: Sailor Chibi Moon, Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon, Tuxedo Kamen (Mask)

Clubs: Drawing Club

Dream: to be a bride, or be a famous celebrity or model

 Moon prism Power--Moon Prism Power Make-Up
 Moon cosmic power-Moon Cosmic Power Makeup
 Moon crystal power-Moon crystal power Makeup
 Moon crisis power
 Moon eternal makeup


 Moon Tiara Magic --- Moon Tiara Action
 Moon healing Activation
 Moon Scepter Elimination
 Moon Spiral Heart Attack
Rainbow Heart Ache
 Moon Gorgeous Meditation
 Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss
 Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss

 Chiba Mamarou

Different Identities:
 Tsukino Usagi
 Sailor Moon
 Princess Serenity
 Neo Queen Serenity
 Super Sailor Moon
 Eternal Sailor Moon

Magical Items:
 Senshi brooch 
 Senshi pen 
 Moon Stick 
 Crystal Star 
 Cutie Moon Rod 
 Cosmic Heart Compact 
 Spiral Heart Moon Rod 
 Sacred Cup 
 Crisis Moon Compact 
 Kaleidomoon Scope 
 Eternal Tier