Name: Tomoe Hotaru

English Name: Hotaru Tomoe

Sailor Names: Sailor Saturn, Super Sailor Saturn

Birthday: January 6th

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Blood Type: AB

Age (season 3): 13

Hobby: Reading and Collecting Lamps

Favorite Color: Purple

Food she doesn't like: Milk

Favorite Food: Japanese Noodles

Favorite Subject: World History

Worst Subject: Physical Education/Sports

Has Trouble With: Marathons

Talent: Magical Healing

Dream: to be a nurse/doctor

Death Ribbon Revolution
Silence Glaive Surprise
Silent Wall

Silence Glaive- A powerful weapon that will slice through anything

Different Forms:
Hotaru Tomoe
Sailor Saturn
Super Sailor Saturn
Mistress 9

Best Friends:
Sailor Chibi-Moon/Chibi-Usa

Saturn Crystal Power (or Make-Up)