Name: Ten'oh Haruka

English Dub: Amara Teno

Sailor Names: Sailor Uranus, Super Sailor Uranus

Height: 5 feet 9"

Age: 16

Born: January 27th

Astrological Sign: Aquarius

Blood Type: B

School: Mugen High School

Favorite Food: Salad

Lease Favorite Food: Natto

Hobbies: Racing, and track and field

Favorite Color: Gold

Favorite Subject:  Phys ed

Dream: To be a racer

Uranus Planet Power  ----- Uranus Planet Power Make-Up

World Shakage
Space Sword Blaster

Michiru Kaiou/Michelle

Different Forms: 
Haruka Ten'o 

Magical Items:
Senshi Pen
Space Sword